a collection of unrelated ramblings
some stray musings and snippets from when I ought to be writing something else
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I offer this as a token of gratitude to my patrons who have chosen to support my writing, rather than as part of a transactional relationship.
I’m ‘supposed’ to be working on my manuscript right now but my brain is full and now that I know where the story is going I’ve gone off it a bit (don’t worry, we’ll be friends again soon) so the resistance is real.
But writing is writing and arbitrary word-count goals notwithstanding, I’ve no-one to please but myself so here I am, doing a brain-dump, in the hopes of clearing away the detritus of thought that has accumulated.
a memory: the hollow ache of cold and loneliness…grey skies and biting winds, rising in the quiet dark when nothing is stirring…echoes of a coyote song and snow crunching underfoot on the way to somewhere I don’t want to be.
I can conjure it like it was yesterday, right down to the emptiness and longing, the resentment and the gratitude.
occupational hazard or wondrous gift?
an idea: nonduality and we are all just a dream within a dream.
Imagining the dream of me growing tired (complete?) with words and setting them aside to rest in the Stillness.
A pause, then, between words, to gather the far-flung pieces, left to drift while my attention was elsewhere.
If there are still words, the song is not yet over.