Why not both? Make the first chapter free and the rest behind a paywall here on Substack and use those funds for the cover artist and/or books? (Is it possible? Maybe?.Probably not?) Traditional publishing requires as much self-publicity as self publishing does, but on the other hand, you’re gonna have to let people know the book is here. I’m at 89 subscribers (all of whom are free) and I’m learning I have to be in Notes a lot more here

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You're absolutely right, re: trad publishing - it's no better than indie as far as needing to do your own publicity....these days, the size of one's "platform" is as much an indicator of whether you'll get signed on as the book you've written...so I hear, anyway. And yes self-promotion is definitely my Achilles heel. I'm considering jumping into the Notes fray..though I'm very out of practice with the "think of something short and pithy to say"...that muscle has atrophied since leaving social media :D

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I am also really stuck on the short and pithy things. That’s why I didn’t stick around on Threads. However it’s easier to join in other people’s conversations in Notes for some reason. Perhaps because we’re all writers talking about writing?

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Haha! Threads!! I didn't even try...I knew I just couldn't. Good point about writers talking about writing....I could bang on for ages on the subject ;)...will stalk some conversations for possibly short and pithy contributions I can make xo

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Feb 24Liked by Melanie Leavey

Okay. So you are me. Except replace “writing/book” with “painting/creating/art.” My thoughts then… We have to create right? It’s who we ARE (after all the dust settles from all the wrangling in our psyches)(after all these years). Late stage capitalism, the current times. Gee, money sure would be nice. Better would be an economy that was communal and shared and benefited every single person. We - alas - are not quite there yet. So. Given that. I believe deeply that what the likes of you and I are creating is deeply needed by this world. By SOMEONE in this world at any rate. I say release it out into the world in whatever way aligns most with you. In whatever way that pairs nicely with your desire. That whole effort thing. Ugh. I’m def not a type A. Probably more type M? Someone were in the middle of all the letters. Lol. Share it. For sure. If you make some money swell! But don’t - my two cents - let the “musts” “shoulds” “best practices” drive this vehicle. You do you!! (And I’ll do me.) And we’ll support each other in this rebellious sport of thumbing our noses at the current paradigm. 😜💙🤗

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Yes, yes, YES to all of the things. I DO, deep in my deepest heart of hearts, most vehemently agree that art -- in all of its forms -- NEEDS to be out there....I also believe that the people who need it, will find it (this has happened so much with my books and it blows me away every time)....so yeah, our job is to just create the thing and let it go. *sigh* Why do I keep forgetting this??!? I'm letting the bastards get me down. Dammit.

Okay, so we very much need a nose-thumbing/support group/plotting world domination in the communal, mutually-beneficial way mastermind or something....thank YOU, awesomest you....here's me, stepping back off the ledge :D xoxo

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Feb 25Liked by Melanie Leavey

Hmmm. This process of doubt and wondering is coming now that the book is finished or very nearly so, right? So, decisions must be made. You're right about the marketing -- self-publishers absolutely have to take the lead on this, visiting book stores, doing readings, sending out their press release and sample review copies. (The same with artists.) It's time consuming and expensive but essential to be able to get readers, to sell it. So it comes down to why one is writing it (or painting it or sculpting it -- any creative endeavour). Is it to make money or to satisfy a creative urge or to put something down that matters and release it to the world? No matter what you decide, you have already achieved so much -- you've worked through the process, honed and created and polished, all of which are big accomplishments. It's not like you haven't written other successful things -- it is determining the future of THIS piece of work. You have choices, which is awfully nice. You speak of the world weariness and I know that all too well. It feels very heavy these days and also makes one so tired emotionally that it is difficult to make decisions (especially expensive ones). One thing -- no one is holding a gun to your head and saying you have to make any decisions now. This minute, this week, this month. Which doesn't mean stick it in a drawer, but let it loose until clarity sets in. If the fire is there, the embers will burn hot and ignite. And at some point, you will know. In any event, I wish you peace of mind and clarity, energy and the resources you will need for whatever decision results. You know you can do this -- you've done it before. So all you have to decide is do you really want to -- and if you do, when..

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Thank you for this, Jeanie....your words are so very helpful. At the end of the day, it really does come down the 'why', doesn't it? I think I've been grappling with that for a while now....I keep coming back to motivation and values and how they can get muddied up with external expectation (or the perception, thereof). I've never backed down from a challenge worth (to me) taking on...so I wonder is my reluctance to take this one on simple weariness, or is it just that it doesn't feel like one worth tackling? That's what I need to sort out. You're so right, though...it doesn't have to be now-or-never. Funnily enough, I read your comment then took the dog out for a walk....the fresh (very fresh!) air and early morning sunshine, along with your thoughts, have helped me clarify some things and now I just need to work out the details... so thank you for that! xo

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Feb 26Liked by Melanie Leavey

I'm so very over 'achievement culture' which puts me in a constant back and forth of what to do with the ideas swirling in my head. By what means or medium is it best shared? What is art if it is not shared? I think creativity is the most fulfilling when one story meets the story of another. When somebody can see their own life in the work of another. If sharing your book in small chapters on SS feels right then you should do that. Life is too short and precious to struggle over what you love.

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You always manage to get to the heart of things, Nicole...thank you. 'Achievement culture' -- good grief, YES. A pox upon it all! I'm seeing so many people burning out and walking away from things that used to bring them joy because of the constant pressure to 'produce'. Capitalism has done so much damage to artists of all kinds...ugh.

You've given me the gift of real clarity here...thank you. xo

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Feb 27Liked by Melanie Leavey

I agree about the damage C has done. I also see the push to strive at all cost, no pun intended, here on SS. It's a puzzle of 'how to do this without the agenda of the dogma of strive, strive, strive... forever and ever amen.' ❤️ We're just out building a new chicken run. At night we talk about the birds we stopped to watch. I saw a Towhee and R saw a Redwing Blackbird. What else do we need? 🤷‍♀️

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Goodness, yes...Substack definitely has that strive-y underbelly, which I find really off-putting....the people schilling 'how to make bezillions writing on Substack'...all while they're making bezilions off the people wanting to make bezillions. *sigh*

Redwings and robins here now....and a grackle this morning. What else indeed?

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Feb 26Liked by Melanie Leavey

Mel, I have no advice for you. But I can tell you that I was waiting to read your post because I knew it would meet me. And that’s rare. It is hard to be so true in a mainstream culture that is not built for truth. What folks call the game, that we have to play to participate, well for many that’s not an option. And even the brightest of dreams can’t run on their own fuel forever. We do need to keep the lights on! (I’m obviously dealing with my own iterations of these same questions. :)

For me, coming to the point (which is not new, it’s cyclical) of truly asking myself if I want “the dream” … that seems to be where the freedom lives. Not in the walking away, but in the meeting, head-on, and the willingness to walk, in order to really live our own wild and precious life.

I think I could learn a lot from your creative rhythms… 🦪 xj

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oh ffs....I just deleted my comment. *head-desk*

I'll try and remember what I said....

Thank you for your thoughts, Jess....I always appreciate hearing how other people navigate these things. It's a strange sort of conundrum though I forget that not everyone wrestles with this stuff quite as much as I do. I often wish I didn't think about it so deeply...it's quite insufferable lol....it would be far easier to just get on with things and play the game. I think I could -- I'm adaptable and a quick learner -- but again, my heart wouldn't be in it and it would ultimately be a betrayal so there's that. How to balance the vision with the need to keep the lights on? A very Four-ish dilemma! :)

I agree, it's definitely cyclical in nature...and I'm learning to try and ride the wave of it rather than blowing things up. Each time I cycle through these questions, I learn something new and it's helping me shape the life/career that I want. Living the questions, right? Each time there's a bit more clarity. xo

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Feb 27Liked by Melanie Leavey

Blowing things up is oh so exhilarating though 🪐 🌊 😘 🌊 🪐

This is random but recently ran into something that told me, based on planetary alignments at birth, half-heartedness is my shadow in the work realm and devotion is my strength. Running with that for now, or power walking at least 🤓

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Feb 28·edited Feb 28Author

HA!! I feel like I might have similar alignments...that combination definitely speaks to me 😆.

Alas, yes...it really IS exhilarating....though I'm trying very hard to stick to painterly obliterations at present. 😉

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