Mar 15Liked by Melanie Leavey

How I wish I was a writer so we could gather and drink tea and rail against the monster and then laugh about it and move on! All on a regular basis. But of course you know I’m circling in spirit with you (I *know,* not the same) as a fellow creative. 💙 I’ve been working on a mural all week. Paid. In a public building. And the monster has been doing his own kind of special circling and fuming and ranting about how wrong it all is. What a week! 🤦🏼‍♀️ And though your post was not a call for advice, keep going! We’ve got this!! After all, the monster is just doing his job. He clocks in and out and at the end of the day goes home and has a beer and forgets all about our silly woes. So let’s humor him. Make him earn his money at the very least. Keep him on his toes. 😜

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I saw your post about that - WOW! That's so freaking awesome AND completely horrifying! 😂. I can see why your monster is having a field day -- you have totally got this, I'm so jazzed for you.

YES, to all that you've said. It's so easy to intellectualize the process....from the outside looking it it's very obvious, but when we're in the thick of it...ye gods!..so advice/reminders are always welcome. xo

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Mar 15Liked by Melanie Leavey

AND?! I pulled The Devil card this morning. 👹 Of course I did. Perfect end to this week. Good gawd. I’m holding out my hand so we can at least wobble together. ✨

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*tottering alongside you*

The Devil?! At least we know the universe has a sense of humour. Or something. 🤣

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Mar 15Liked by Melanie Leavey

Happy to be in a writing group with you if you need more for your group :) CJ xx

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Excellent!! consider yourself signed up. *cackles maniacally* xo

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Mar 15Liked by Melanie Leavey

Happy :) Thank you!

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I've been feeling a lot of this. In fact, I can feel quite sorry for myself at times, because of that feeling of struggling on alone. This year is (supposed) to be about me writing a novel - because I have never let go of that dream, (or rather, this project won't get its teeth & talons out of me). I really believe writers need community (whatever that means, because it can look a million different ways hey?) I've had to protect myself from burnout these past months, because my everyday work writing is being impacted by the way our cultural mind-scape has been shaped by social media. Our art is just "content" that's swallowed whole/stolen by an endless hungry algorithm, and people's out-and-out addiction to The Feed and more content. The cost is too high - I'm a person not an app and community support is so, so important for anyone creating. There's a whole lot more I could say, but I risk being rant-y. Anyway, my writing a long-form piece of fiction feels like an act of analogue defiance. This is a looong way of saying, if you'll have me I'll happily join you. xx

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Long-form fiction IS an act of analogue defiance -- I truly do believe that. As is refusing to placate the algorithm by constantly churning out 'content' <--gawd, what horrific word that's come to be....along with The Feed. I would SO l love to have you along. I'm going to sort out the connecting details and will be in touch. xo ps. yippee for this being your novel's year!! Hot diggity!! xo

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Ok I am on the other side of the world but I’ll up for it. This week I learned that my brilliant idea of typing up what I handwritten in Scrivener as I finish each scene is a TERRIBLE idea. I thought it would be better for me physically. (It is.) but oh my, when I was in creative flow I did not stop for description or motivation or … well anything resembling my characters. I rewrote bits today because it’s been a week since I wrote on the novel because I went and wrote a short story and that took all week to write, edit and type up (and edit some more). I’m beginning to worry I made some bad decisions in what to show in this book vs what happens and gets revealed flashback style. That or this romance couldn’t possibly burn any bleeping slower. I’m beginning to doubt there is one…

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Oh goodness, I am feeling your struggles like they were my own. Indeed, they could easily be my own! This is just the sort of thing we need tea and sympathy, and an objective eye, for. I'd love to have you with us...looks like two Oz-dwellers, one UK and one US plus my Canada...a veritable United Nations. Will be in touch once I've confirmed the others. xo

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Awesome and btw, that dread/clench in the pit of your stomach? I get that too. Usually means I need to go back and fix something.

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Mar 18Liked by Melanie Leavey

I relate to your cry for *real* creative community so much! (As a fellow hermit and non-joiner these are words I never thought I would utter, but something has changed...) Wish I were a writer so I could join your group. Bon courage on the editing front 💪 xo

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I KNOW, right? I never in a zillion years thought my hermit-y, non-joining self would be hankering for community....I even pulled a tarot spread a couple of weeks ago that basically suggested it was a good move and I was like "Nope. Not me. No siree".... but now, here we are. Must be something in the air. 😉 xoxo

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Mar 19Liked by Melanie Leavey

Hah! Did you happen to pull the 3 of cups? That was in my reading last week and I was like ehhhhhh fine ;)

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It was!! Along with an oracle card about connection. Talk about beating me over the head with the idea....😂. To be fair, I can be a slow learner 😎

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