This was just what I needed Mel. Feeling a little on the frazzled side myself, despite a lovely time of creativity lately. Social Media media, and even dare I say it, substack is a drain.... it's the noise I don't always need. Thank you for the silent scribble, I have loved the companionship of quiet creativity.

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Substack IS a drain, you're right....I cannot, for the life of me, keep up and as for the Notes section - it's forever banned. It's becoming very social media-ish and I haven't the nerves for it! I'm so glad you've enjoyed the Silent Scribble...it's always lovely to see you pop in! xo

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Weltschmerz. Completely. Enjoy your intentional pause.

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Right? And I wrote that before the election results were in :/. I am enjoying it...very much. xo

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Lovely to see you in my inbox! Relating to several things. Weltschmerz. Oh, to know this is a thing, and a word! I will give myself grace for this ever present feeling. Also, so much good stuff resulting in overwhelm. Yes! I've been feeling that too - a lot - lately. Not enough time! Also that art journaling experience sounds delicious. Very excited about getting to hang out with Hazel some more. Love your dedication to the creative and writing process. Xoxo

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Thank you, dahlink....and yes, the weltschmerz is epic just now (I wrote that post before the results were in so the weltschmerz meter has gone off the charts)...xo

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I forgot all about out the silent scribble! Will try to drop in next week!

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It'll be awfully late for you...but it would be lovely to see you! xo

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The cold has sent me to bed early alas.

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I hear you on this. Good things CAN stress you out! It's hard to get focused and do any one thing well and yet we want to do it all because it's all so fun/rewarding/energizing/exhausting! When I went to England I was off media for three weeks. It was good (so was England -- now reliving it by posting on it, which is also good!). But at the same time of travel I was dealing with home bedbugs, an art sale (next week, yikes!), coming home to appointments -- and let's not forget the traumatic election here and the even more traumatic results (which will take a long time to recover from, if we can and the jury is out on that). Point is, you're not alone. We're all working hard to keep heads above water in whatever ways that occurs -- home, work, family, fun. And it's OK. Eventually, it sorts itself out. Cheers, my friend. You've got this!

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Ooooh! A trip to England --- gorgeous! Glad you could get the break from media too. Sorry you had to come home to such a sh*t-show...glory be but it's going to be dodgy for the foreseeable. We will need our creative outlets, that's for sure. xo

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I also agree that good things can make us feel stressed. Enjoy your pause from here, you don’t have to justify it to me or any of us. I will look forward to hearing from you again soon, when you are ready and able to be back in this space again.

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Thank you...xo

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