Oct 6, 2023Liked by Melanie Leavey

This is a fascinating read, following your journey. I don't write to publish so in some ways, it doesn't matter-- apart from writing for me. But I can see as a writer for market (not writing TO market) it becomes a dilemma. I deal with that with my art, though. My annual sale is coming up and I've been painting for me -- sketchbook, practice, challenging myself -- versus to sell. I have to let go that my old inventory may be stale and no one may want the pieces I have. But I have learned so much this year. What you are experiencing and what I am, it's similar. We just use different pens!

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by Melanie Leavey

Yes! I myself am an Enneagram 4 (also partially 5) and sister you speak my language! I love the personality deep diving! I have been doing it for a long time, I continue to do it, I encourage it, I am now creating experiences around it for others. (My previous day-job gave me LOADS of examples of people who don't do it that could definitely benefit from it, if only they would!) I feel like I've been in tandem with you, getting so much clearer on what's mine and what's not. It's eye-opening and transformative! Love love love reading about your journey on this. Knowing I'm not alone and all that. So thank you!! Keep on keeping, because I am one of those who have absolutely loved and benefited from the stories you tell, the worlds you create, the characters you bring to life... they are beautiful and transformative to experience, without a doubt. Many hugs and much love coming from my little corner of the world. xoxo Indi

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We continue to share a brain ... to the point I am going to check out that book you mentioned. It is so hard when we start out figuring what is legit advice and when it’s someone lining their pockets ... sometimes I think that only comes through trial and error but meanwhile I am ALL IN and it takes a lot of effort to change course.

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