
Welcome to my little corner of the Substack-a-verse…

I thought it was about time I updated this page (which is to say, remove my snarky commentary on the canned auto-text). I am nothing if not contrary. If you stick around, you’ll no doubt witness that….

A bit about me…

I’m a writer, artist and steward to a small patch of land. I spend a lot of time staring moodily out of windows and drink vast amounts of tea. I write magical realism and cosy fantasy, paint questionable abstracts and plant for pollinators. My favourite tea is Yorkshire Tea (obvs) and I have fondness for chocolate digestives. I’m a lover of all-things-analogue and have a tempestuous relationship with the internet. An aspiring hermit, in my fantasy-life, I live in a stone cottage between a moor and a dark forest. In my real-life, I make do with an 80s bungalow in a small town, of which I am both exceedingly fond and grateful.

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My plans for this space seem to vary according to wind-speed, planetary alignment and my hormone levels. I’m a fifty-something menopausal woman so you do the math.

As my Instagram profile says: I write stuff, I paint stuff, I grow stuff. Add to that a lot of reading and a lot of thinking and that’s about what you can expect from me. The marvelous conveniences of Substack allow me to do all of that in one place without making it too muddling for you, Dear Reader, should you have no interest in my garden or what’s rolling around in my brain, and yet enjoy watching me grapple with my demons on the torturous journey of my next published novel.

You can find a current list of my newsletters by clicking the button below:

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Pull up a chair, the kettle’s on and you’re very welcome…

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I'm an indie author of magical realism/cosy fantasy. Here you'll find assorted musings on my writing process, creativity and life as a contemplative creative in a capitalist hellscape 😎. Pull up a chair, the kettle's on...