
Thank you for clicking on this page…you must be curious about my books? Well then..

The Really Short Version:

Hope. Wonder. Magic.

Slightly Longer Version:

With strong ecofeminist leanings, my writing explores themes of loss and belonging and the uneasy balance of hope and despair in a world unraveled. Genre-wise? Contemporary women’s fiction meets magical realism.

The More Flowery Version:

My stories are for people who believe in magic. They’re for people who believe that houses can have souls and that, if you listen closely, the land whispers secrets and poems and the answers to difficult questions. They’re for people who know that we’re all in this together. All of us. Even the trees. They’re for people who know that faeries don’t sparkle and that the best tales help you to remember who you were before the ordinary world asked you for impossible things. They’re about losing your way and finding it again; about what it means to belong and how we’re all far more capable then we ever dreamed.

All of my books are published independently by my own imprint, Three Ravens Press. I’m writing in two different series right now (possibly not the best idea but this is how my brain rolls), those are:

Tales of Glencarragh: Set on a fictional island off the northwest coast of Scotland, they’re stories of deep enchantment where faeries co-exist with humans and creatures of myth and legend still walk the earth.


Wind Singer

Soul of the Sea (these first three are a part of the Sea Glass Trilogy)

Sea Bride (serves as a prequel)

I have three more books planned in this series..two more prequels and one set in the present-day of the Sea Glass trilogy)

All of my books are available on Amazon (ebook and paperback), Apple Books, Kobo, Barnes&Noble, Overdrive, Scribd and just about everywhere else.

Tales of Winkle Village: Set in the fictional village of…yes, you guessed it, Winkle… these stories are an homage to every comfort book I read as a child and into adulthood. They have a gentle, cozy fantasy/cottagecore vibe, and are full of wonderful, quirky characters with plenty of magic and enchantment: think sentient cottages, portals to the Otherworld and a talking cat.

The House in the Hedge

I have no idea how many more of these books there are…at least one more? Possibly four in total?

There’s a whole series here on Substack relating to the writing and publishing of this book — it starts here: