Silent Scribble


Hello there!

This is the page for dates/times/links for the Silent Scribble - a co-working space where you’re not required to talk. ;)

You can read more about it here.

These sessions are kindly supported by my paid subscribers and so are free of charge. Everyone is welcome…no experience required. Just show up and write something!

If you’d like to contribute to the cost of the Zoom subscription, you can become a paid subscriber or buy me a cuppa. 🦄

How it Works:

I’ll open up a Zoom room at the appointed time and you’re welcome to quietly slide in and get to work. No need to announce yourself, just join in. No need to fret if you’re a bit late - join in whenever you can. You’re welcome to wave or leave a ‘hello’ in the chat, but it’s not required. After an hour has passed, I’ll pop a notification in the chat and we can all file out when we’re ready. To avoid disrupting anyone’s flow, I’ll leave the room open for five or ten minutes after we finish before ending the meeting.

Autumn 2024 sessions: September 16-October 30

Mondays 1pm EST

Zoom link:

Wednesdays 8am EST

Zoom link:

Any questions? Send me message…